The general form of class definition is shown below. Every object has a class which defines the structure of an object (that means what are various component in it, termed as member elements) its functional inter feces (called methods) which decide what messages the object will respond to and how. After the learning of this Chapter we will begin to utilize the real power of Java-oriented programming style.Ī Class is a template for an object.
We will discuss how to create, extend, and instantiate our own classes. On the surface, this looks similar to the templates in C++, but in reality, it is quite different in many aspects. The class determines the structure of objects by specifying variables that are contained in each instance of the class, and it determines behavior by providing the instance methods that express the behavior of the. Java, starting with version 5.0, has a feature called 'parametric polymorphism', or 'generics'. When you create a new type of object, you dont need to change the framework to accommodate the new object type, as long as it follows the 'rules' of the object. A class represents a set of objects which share the same structure and behaviors. The reason why you use polymorphism is when you build generic frameworks that take a whole bunch of different objects with the same interface. This article is a attempt to explore the concept. Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstract Classes. What if we want our derived class to inherit a method from the base class and have a different. Polymorphism in Java simplifies programming by providing a single interface overlaid with multiple meanings as it goes through the rigor of subclassing. Learn to implement polymorphism using the OOP concepts. The term polymorphic means having multiple forms.

In this Chapter, we will learn the theoretical notion of Object Oriented Programming : encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Polymorphism in Java is closely associated with the principle of inheritance. In Java, programmers are allowed to define their own classes or can borrow the class definition from outside (such as from built in classes, packages etc). A class defines the shape and behavior of an object. We all use a single button to switch ON and OFF the computer. For example, a person acts as an employee in the office, a customer in the shopping mall, a passenger in bus/train, a student in school, and a son at home.

Class is used to build an Application, to define an applet. The best example of polymorphism is human behavior. The basic element of object oriented Programming in Java is a class. Chapter 3 - Object Oriented Mechanism in Java Chapter 3 Object Oriented Mechanism in Java